Welcome, friend.

If you’re wondering what this website is all about, that makes two of us. Thanks for being here anyway! At least it’s already a place to make your acquaintance. My name is Grace. It’s great to meet you, although it’s a little weird not to see you face to face (yet).

I am a poet, a teacher, and a florist living in Los Angeles.

After completing my M.F.A. in Creative Writing at Seattle Pacific University in 2022, I’ve been making, teaching, reading, and now-and-then publishing poems ever since. If I could sing, or play the fiddle, I’m not sure I would write poems. I can do neither, but I have friends who can do both. That’s good enough for me.

When words won’t cut it, or when there’s nothing left to say, I tend towards florals. During my years of professional floral design, I’ve gotten to interact with people at births, deaths, weddings . . . My favorite flower is a dahlia. Apparently that was my great grandmother’s favorite flower too. She was a florist.

The first poem I ever published was called, “The Gardener.” It’s a reflection on my favorite moment in history, and on how often my prayers sound like whatever I imagine Mary Magdalene must have prayed on her way to the tomb, before she turned around to recognize Jesus alive, and calling. I write because Love is alive, and calling. Take it from my friend Frederick.

“We sleep and dream. We wake. We work. We remember and forget. We have fun and are depressed. And into the thick of it, or out of the thick of it, at moments of even the most humdrum of our days, God speaks.”

– Frederick Buechner, The Sacred Journey

Peace be with you! I hope this site serves as a digital business card so we can keep in touch. It would be so good to know you.

“In My Pockets:

A Very Brief Resume.” by Grace Shaw

M.F.A. in Creative Writing

Teaching Experience

Professional Floral Design

Certificate in Christian Spiritual Formation


Interested in hosting me to read poems or lead a writing workshop?

Ask me about something I wrote in a poem or blog post?

Looking for freelance floral design in the Los Angeles area?

Talk more about what Frederick Buechner says in the video I linked above?

Get In Touch


